Entretien du parcours
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The Admirals course takes a lot of punishment, especially over the winter months when traffic is particularly high due to other courses being closed. Due to this, it requires a lot of maintenance as well to keep it in the condition that we as members expect. However, it has become apparent over the last few months that we members might be able to do a lot more to help the green staff out in this.


If you visit any bunker, please leave it in the same condition as you would expect to find it by raking the sand flat where you have been. If someone else has not shown the same courtesy, take a minute to rake other areas close to you as well. It doesn’t take long to keep the bunkers in top condition. “The rake was all the way round the other side” is not an excuse to leave the sand unattended. Please fetch the rake and smooth the sand down.


Generally, we all take a divot when playing an iron shot, especially in the winter. And while sometimes the turf crumbles and cannot be replaced properly, most of the time it can. However, it appears that a lot of people choose to totally ignore the fact that they have displaced a divot the side of a paving slab and just walk on, leaving someone else to deal with it. Gentlemen, if you take a divot, please take a moment to fetch, replace and stamp down said divot. It won’t be long until summer rules kick back in, and you don’t want to finish in a divot then now do you? Please let’s help fellow players and the green staff out.

Pitch marks

If your ball pitches on the green, especially in winter, you will leave a pitch mark, which if unattended will take months to right itself. Then come the summer when the ground dries out, we will be moaning that the greens are very bumpy and why haven’t the green staff sorted this out? Gentlemen, we all own a pitch mark repairer so let’s utilise them. If your ball lands on the green, find your pitch mark and repair it so the ground becomes flat again. If you see another near yours fix that one too. Let’s make our greens the best they can be.

Pace of play

A four ball can always fall behind if they have a bad hole and have to search for a ball or two. If this happens, please try to catch up by playing ready golf. Hit your shot before going to help search for other balls. On the tee make sure you don’t delay by filling a card in. take your tee shot first. Line your putt up while others are outing and be ready to go when it’s your turn.

Remember, please keep up with the game in front, don’t just stay in front of the game behind.

Thank you for your assistance.

Steve Mee
Admirals Club Secretary