Fin du placement pour les épreuves de concours
Fin du placement pour les épreuves de concours
As of the 1st of June, placing for all competitions will no longer be in effect. Players are also reminded relief MUST be taken from all areas marked GUR (and to be treated as No-Play zones as per rule 16.1f), in addition on the fourth hole relief must be taken by placing your ball on the mat, as a designated drop zone. The mat is classed as an immovable obstruction and as such relief should be taken as per the rules described in 16.1.
To improve the fairways, the owners will be distributing bags of seed and soil to promote improved fairways, which I am sure we all fully support. We did secure an extension through Notts Union for placing through May, which ends on the 1st of June 2023.
For completeness this also includes knockouts and any other cards to be considered for handicap purposes, please do not register for casual play rounds if you intend to lift and place from divots, or anywhere else not covered in the rules of golf.