Résultats du tirage du Club des 100 pour avril 2024
Êtes-vous un gagnant ?

On ‘Chip Friday Evening’ at the club we did the April draw. It was great to see the club busy with a lot of people dining.

The results of the draw are -

1st. No. 96. Justine Goss. £175.00
2nd. No. 92. Paul Caslaw. £125.00
3rd. No. 52. Lindsey Peters. £70.00
4th. No. 115. Mary Lowe. £70.00

Congratulations to this month’s winners.

To become a member of the 100 Club or get another number just pop into the office and see Beth she will organise everything for you. You can pay £60 for a year or take out a direct debit for £5 per month.

The proceeds of the club help towards various projects throughout the club and of course ‘every little helps’ so to ‘help’ why not get your own number and maybe you’ll be a winner.

The draws take place every month in the club with the results published on V1 and on the notice board in the foyer.

Looking forward to new members.

Good luck.

Audrey and David Joshua.