Tirages de la Dickie, de la Chivas et de la Tennent Cup
Les tirages au sort sont en cours
Hi Guys

Draws now live on howdidido and members hub for these three cups.
Well done to all that qualified.
Please try and stick to the dates so we can keep things ticking over.

Sweepers hopefully paid out end of this week. Sweepers will be worked out on best net scores. 1,2,3 for two sections 0-13 and 14-28 this splits the money fairly.
More details soon on that. Really sorry for the delay.

Some cracking scores been coming in.
Hope you are all enjoying your golf and course in great nick.
Next qualifier is the McClaren cup on Wednesday.

When booking times, remember and fill all slots or members are entitled to fill them. Name search partners by using surnames

All the best and play well.