Couvre-visage et accès aux vestiaires
4 septembre 2020
The latest advice from England Golf states that face coverings must be worn by members and visitors in all indoor areas of the club/facility, as well as in Pro’s Shops. Coverings may be removed in bar and restaurant areas for the purpose of eating and drinking, in-line with other similar businesses. There are some exemptions to wearing face coverings including children under the age of 11 and those with certain disabilities.

Face masks are available from the Pro Shop. They are handmade and reusable with all donations (cash only) going to the East Cheshire Hospice. The suggested minimum donation is £5.

Please also note that whilst the locker rooms are open for storage of golf clubs and other belongings in allocated personal lockers and for access to toilets and wash-hand basins, players should still arrive changed for play and refrain from showering or changing in locker rooms.

David Holmes
General Manager