Updated playing framework from England Golf
23 septembre 2020
Following the Prime Minister’s statement of 22nd September on new national restrictions to help combat the spread of Covid-19, England Golf have updated theirr ‘Play Safe, Stay Safe: Framework for Playing Golf’.

The updates do not alter the existing regulations on how to play the game, but do require changes in practice for how clubhouse facilities are operated.

The following updates and additions are included:

• Clubs/facilities must display an official NHS QR Code for track and trace.

Clubs/facilities have a legal obligation to collect details of all members and visitors entering the clubhouse for track and trace. These details must be stored, in compliance with GDPR, for 21 days.

From Thursday 24 September clubs/facilities must also display an official NHS QR Code poster so that visitors can ‘check-in’ as an alternative to providing their contact details.

• Face coverings must be worn by staff, golfers and visitors in all public areas except when seated in bars and restaurants.

Face coverings must be worn by staff, golfers and visitors in all public indoor areas of the club/facility, as well as in Pro’s Shops. Coverings may only be removed when seated in bar and restaurant areas. There are some exemptions to wearing face coverings including children under the age of 11 and those with certain disabilities.

• Clubhouses must close by 10.00pm and not open before 5.00am.

• Food and beverage must be provided as table service. Take-aways may also be served for consumption off the premises.

Thank you once again for your ongoing adherence to the ‘Play Safe, Stay Safe’ guidance which is designed to look after the health and wellbeing of our community of golfers and staff.

David Holmes
General Manager