Matchs de clubs
Enregistrez votre intérêt pour les matchs
Please note that each section of the club plays matches home and away against other clubs. We also are entered into County Leagues and Knockouts.

The Warren League is for Male players with Handicaps from 10 to 26
The Hilliard League is for Male players with Handicaps from 0 - 12. Teams will consist of 6 players per match.
Mens Friendly 4BBB matches
Womens Pearson - Women over 12 Handicap to play League and Knockout singles matches
Scratch Team - low handicap players to play league matches
Mixed Matches - Friendly 4BBB Matches

To sign up and register your interest Please Click Here

For next year we will be looking to utilise this Team Manager area more so please sign up if your interested in playing.

For Mens matches we're also looking for help to be the team organisers, if this is some thing you can help with please email me via